viernes, 20 de octubre de 2017

Day 5 .
Daily Report : Cuarto A .
·         TEACHER PILAR: We started new topic - prepositions of time (in, at, on); the students have in their folders a sheet with material to study regarding this.  They completed pages 47-48 (workbook) and 48 student’s Book).  NOTE: For the students who failed the quiz, find attach the full Quiz Structure to make to corrections in order to raise the grades (max. 7.0). 
·         TEACHER JUAN CARLOS COPETE: Today, we checked activities form the workbook and reviewed last contents and vocabulary.
·         TEACHER JULIAN: Today we worked on Workbook pages 82, 83, and 85; we checked and corrected these pages.
·         TEACHER LEYDY: Students learned how to write a blog. HOMEWORK: In order for the students to practice writing skill through technology, they must write a short blog. Follow the instructions in the video with this link, write about a personal life experience and send it to my mail Deadline: next day 3.
·         TEACHER JHON: Today we had a class where we practiced speaking. The students play roles and recreated an appointment with a doctor.  
MÚSICA: Hoy trabajamos la canción “se va el caimán” y trabajamos la aplicación ¼ solfeo; en la próxima clase revisaremos de forma individual la canción.
FRANCÉS: Evaluation lundi 23 octobre. Réviser ex 1 p 20, ex 5 p 21 et ex 6 p 21 (Cahier d´activité). Réviser la boite à outil p 30 (Cahier Méthode de français) le vocabulaire du sport et le verbe ALLER (Je vais, tu vas…)
ESPAÑOL: Contextualización sobre Género Dramático. Se recogió la guía de repaso sobre el sustantivo y el adjetivo. NOTA: La próxima clase se debe entregar las demás tareas pendientes, tanto de lenguaje como de plan lector.
Thank you
Primary teachers and Coordination

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